wills for the arts
Launching in 2019, simple wills and power of attorney documents were prepared free of charge for over 100 arts professionals and individual artists for their families. This service will be an annual event with the next one planned for Spring of 2025.
Wills for the Arts is sponsored by our members Williams Mullen, Kaufman & Canoles, and Willcox & Savage.
How Wills for the Arts Works:
You must be either an artist/arts professional affiliated with a 501c3 arts organization or an independent artist such as a painter/visual artist, musician, actor, etc. that receives revenue from their art to qualify for this free service.
Step 1 – Fill out this questionnaire.
Step 2 – Email the completed questionnaire to Shane Smith at ssmith@williamsmullen.com by the close of business on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024. Now Extended to Thursday, February 29th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Step 3 – A volunteer lawyer will contact you by email and set up a time to talk to you about your Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Medical Directive wishes if needed, and finalize the documents you want for your signature
Step 4 – Come to the offices of Kaufman & Canoles (150 W. Main Street, 21st floor, in Norfolk) on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at your designated time to sign your documents and take them home with you.
Social Security Services Seminars
In an effort to provide more services to individual artists and arts employees, we have partnered with the Norfolk Office Social Security to bring you two seminars on Retirement, Benefits, Survivors, and Medicare and how it relates to Social Security. If you have ever had to deal with this office, you know how difficult all this can be and how hard it is to get questions answered. We have set up 2 Zoom meetings for you to join and will have a live presentation and a question and answer period.
The seminars are open to all arts employees, arts volunteers, and individual artists and is free to attend. To sign up, please go to this link. Zoom information will be emailed to individuals signed up the week prior to the seminar and then on the morning of the seminar.
2024 Dates are coming soon!